Menstrual Doula Support

Reclaim & reconnect to your cyclical wisdom. Honour your menstrual cycle. Re-wild yourself. Find healing for you, your lineage, your descendants, and the collective.

We live in a culture that doesn't always value rest, and certainly doesn't honour menstruation.  But we are cyclical beings, and our bodies need space for rest and renewal.  What does rest look like for you?  Are you able to carve out some time for yourself when you're bleeding?  When we do this - even if it's brief - we can find alignment in our lives and approach the rest of our cycle from a place of calm and empowered resilience.  When we give space for rest, we are often able to experience the mystery and visions associated with menstruation which yields the birth of many ideas to give life to during the subsequent cycle.

But what if menstruation is challenging for you?  Perhaps you have endometriosis, adenomyosis, pelvic pain, painful periods (dysmenorrhoea), PCOS, fibroids, cysts, PMS, PMDD, painful ovulation, heavy periods, absent periods (amenorrhea), mid-cycle spotting, irregular cycles, short or long cycles, perimenopause/menopause difficulties, postpartum period issues, fertility issues, low sex drive...

Or you might have seemingly unrelated issues that often are actually connected to the menstrual cycle: Autoimmune conditions such as Hashimoto's or Lupus, thyroid or adrenal issues, flare-ups, immunity issues, chronic fatigue, anxiety, depression, hair or skin issues, neurological disorders, headaches...

Maybe you face the many demands of a family depending on you or a busy workload and it's difficult to make time for yourself.  As a menstrual doula, I support you and honour this sacred time; I help you find this space.  Having suffered from endo for over twenty years, I have dealt with the pain, trauma and isolation that so many unfortunately experience.  It has required a radical shift in the way I live my life, and I have cultivated many nourishing and healing tools throughout the years and cycles.  I can't promise to completely take away your pain, but I can help to ease it and promote balance in the body whilst also teaching you ways to create rituals and mother yourself during menstruation and throughout your cycle.   

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the cyclical alchemy sessions

Are you feeling called to find deep change and resonance in your cycles? 

Have you been craving deeper connection and communion with your cycle, your body, your feminine wisdom?

Do you have ongoing cyclical or hormonal issues or disease related to your womb, your hormones, or a seemingly unrelated part of your body? (hint: it's ALL connected, baby! Your period is your sixth vital sign, shedding light on the bigger picture).

If this sounds like you, I'd like to introduce you to the Cyclical Alchemy Sessions!

Because we're working with the cycle, it's best to ride the waves and be present with the changes that occur throughout. We meet over the course of a few cycles and continue the journey within, assessing what's working and what's not. I will guide you to learn from the source (you!) and alchemise this wisdom to illuminate your life ✨

So, what's included?

— We will meet for 3 cycles (minimum, can be extended) of 1:1 coaching and herbal medicine support 

— 3x 60-min consultations

— Unlimited support via Voxer or messaging throughout, so we can work through what's coming up in your inner seasons in real-time

— 3 cycles of custom herbal medicine (includes 4 remedies per cycle, prepared for you after each consultation)

An analysis of your menstrual cycle and menstruation

A tailored plan for balancing hormones, easing pain, and implementing strategies for rest and healing throughout your cycle

— Nutritional and supplement guidance

— The opportunity to delve deeper into all aspects of your cycle and your life. This could look like (but is not limited to!): Menstrual Cycle Awareness and how to plan your work and life around your cycle; managing & healing chronic disease and symptoms; supporting yourself with food and nourishment; movement and exercise around the cycle; self-care practices such as abdominal massage, castor oil packs and meditation; Fertility Awareness; unpicking previous traumas and rites of passage such as menarche that might be contributing to blockages.

Though centred around the cycle, this is for all phases of life. Whether you're just beginning to bleed, have been cycling for a long time, are in the clutches of pre-conception and looking to pave the way, are postpartum and wondering about your first post-birth period, or are having difficulties navigating perimenopause/Sagescence - this is for you!

Cyclical Alchemy Sessions £246 for 3 months (payment plans available - get in touch). Includes 4x prescription herbal remedies per month/cycle that I will dispense and post to you after our meeting. UK postage included. International addresses will incur a charge).

Looking for a one-off session?

We dive deep into your medical history to get a good look at your menstrual cycle and experience of menstruation and ovulation, after which I'll prescribe and dispense your herbal medicine. This includes a tailored plan for balancing hormones, easing pain, and implementing strategies for rest and healing throughout your cycle, in addition to nutritional and supplement guidance.

Menstrual Doula & Herbal Medicine £65 for a 1-hour consultation including 4x prescription herbal remedies that I will dispense and post to you after our meeting. UK postage included. International addresses will incur a charge.

Your cycle is your map to your life; your guide to your authentic self. Menstruation is a deep, ancient well of regeneration & renewal. Through sacred ceremony carried out in the comfort of your home, I will help you to create ritual during your moon-time.

We will meet in your home for a 2-hour session during your bleed. I will bring everything - all you are to do is rest, dream, and soak it all in. Included in this offering:

Menstrual Ritual Ceremony £88 for 2 hours. To book, please get in touch or book a Discovery Call with the button below if you would like to explore your options. (Note: this service is only available in Glasgow. If you are close to Glasgow and would like support, please get in touch to discuss).

Optional add-ons:

+ Items from the Herbal Shop

+ An herbalist consultation prior to the session which includes 4x custom herbal remedies (see above section)

+ A Food Bundle for you to enjoy over your period (learn more here) 

+ An additional hour of Doula support (see below section)

In-Home Menstrual Doula Support

A one-off or subscription-based service tailored to your cycle.

The first session will be a 1-hour online consultation in which I will take a full medical history.  We will look at your menstrual cycle and menstruation and come up with a tailored plan for you including herbal support (this may change in time as your cycle does).  We can also discuss lifestyle and nutritional recommendations, Menstrual Cycle Awareness, Fertility Awareness, and abdominal massage.  I highly recommend that you schedule this initial consultation at a time in your cycle when you're least likely to experience pain and discomfort.

We will then schedule an in-home session during your bleed, whenever you feel you need it.  This is a 2-hour session at minimum but you may book support for additional days if required.

Initial consultation (1 hour) £78

In-home support (2 hours minimum) £30/hour*  

* 10% discount for subscribers who purchase a plan for 3 months or more

Nourishing meals & snacks - add-on (learn more here)

Please take note that I, too, live this lifestyle and due to my endometriosis there may be instances when I am unable to make it to a scheduled session.  I will always make myself available for virual support should this happen and will endeavour to find a suitable replacement. 

Food Medicine

I also offer 1:1 nutritional support that involves a 4-week eating plan complete with recipes.  This is a great way to heal and create lasting change in your life.  Click here to learn more.