Hello, I'm Brittney.

I'm a Menstrual Doula, Postpartum Doula and Herbalist based in the West End of Glasgow, Scotland.


I'm American and have been in the UK for over ten years. For my entire menstruating life, I have dealt with often-debilitating endometriosis and it is this struggle, along with the journey through Matrescence with the birth of my child, that has inspired me to answer the calling to hear and hold those with wombs.

I believe in the body's intuition and its desire to heal, and that we as individuals can tap into that wisdom to nourish ourselves in a sovereign way.  In a world that so often values looking outside for the answer, it is vital that we learn to cast our gaze inward and listen to our own rhythms.  I've been a passionate advocate and keen researcher for myself, my health and my body for most of my life, having been time and time again at the whim of a healthcare system that doesn't put individuality or women first.  It's my lifelong vision and mission to continue learning how to support women and people with wombs.  My background is in the arts and sciences and I have been fascinated to watch as the creative force has alchemised and unfolded in motherhood.  The woven facets of my creativity and empathy from years of trauma allow me to see what is often invisible and support others from a place of deep understanding.


I am honoured that you have made your way here.  On my Doula Services page you will find how I can support you during preconception, pregnancy, postpartum and in your menstrual cycle.  Book a free, no-obligation chat so we can discuss your needs and see if we connect.

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