Herbal Remedies

Herbal Medicine for the Cycles and Seasons

Serving the community with small-batch, local, sustainably-made herbal medicine.  All herbs are wildcrafted, home grown or sourced locally in an ethical and intentional way.  Harness the power of plants to nourish, relax and empower the body and mind in all the phases and cycles of the womb - whether that's menstruality, pregnancy, postpartum, or menopause.

Check out the Online Shop or book a consultation (remedies are included in the fee).  Check out my Doula Services page to find what fits best for you or get in touch.

<img src="dandelion-herb.jpg.jpg" alt="Dandelion Herb"/>
<img src="nettle-foraging-herbalist-mother.jpg.jpg" alt="Nettle Foraging Herbalist Mother"/>