Food Medicine


Learn how to develop an intuitive way of eating that supports your healing

As an herbalist, one of the first places I look for clues into wellbeing is the food you eat.  This has such a profound impact on lifestyle and hormonal health, and creating a nutritional foundation is the best way to harness lasting change.  It also works in harmony with herbal medicine: the art of learning how to sustain yourself from the offerings of the earth.

For those interested in working more deeply in this area, I offer customised 1-to-1 support.  We begin by looking at what you typically eat over a period of a few days to help assess what might be contributing to conditions, dis-ease and lifestyle challenges.  Next, you will move your way through a 4-week food plan complete with delicious recipes.  Part of this includes a gentle elimination and reintroduction of foods commonly associated with sensitivities.  I will also make you a custom tea blend in addition to recommending herbs and supplements to support this process.  By the end of the 4 weeks, you'll have made big, sustainable changes in the way you eat that will have a profound effect on your overall health - body, mind and mood.  We will address hormonal health, adrenal functioning, metabolism, nervous system regulation, the gut, nutritional gaps and food sensitivities (please note that this offering does not include food, allergy or nutritional labwork/testing).

So, who is this for?  Anyone, really!  Perhaps you have gynaecological conditions such as endometriosis, adenomyosis, PCOS, fibroids, cysts, PMDD or PMS.  It's also very helpful for those suffering with thyroid disorders and autoimmune conditions such as Hashimoto's thyroiditis, Lupus, and eczema.

This plan is useful for whichever phase of life you're in and can be tailored to pregnancy, postpartum, or preconception to address infertility issues.

"I'm so grateful for Brittney and the work she does. She did thorough research prior to our intake session, asking the right questions to see where the heart of the matter lies and then worked with me to find a holistic solution. Through the sessions & food plan, I have been able to make life changes that I once thought of as impossible."

 - Jenna    

"Brittney is extremely knowledgeable and her support was just what I needed at the start but also throughout my healing journey. I received a very clear nutrition program and Brittney was there to help me prepare for it and also encourage me through it. The herbal tinctures and the herbs I received worked like magic, especially with the withdrawal symptoms of quitting caffeine and sugar. Brittney is a wise woman and I am so grateful I reached out and connected with her."

 - Anna


What's included:

The cost is £78 (I can supply additional suggested herbal remedies, priced as followed: £10 per tea and £15 per tincture)   

Schedule your first consultation through the calendar below:

"The meal plans focus on all the delicious goodness that you can eat which makes the elimination diet much easier and less daunting to embark on. Brittney's focus on intuitive eating and giving your body what it needs brings her service to the next level. I can highly recommend her for anyone working with menstrual issues and looking to get in touch with & nourish their wild feminine energy."